FAQs - Program

1.    How many credit points are required for Degree completion?

For the degree completion, participants would need to complete 74 credits of courses.

2.     Will there be a formal convocation ceremony? if Yes, when will it be?
Yes. The convocation ceremony for this program will be held in the annual convocation of IIM Visakhapatnam, along with the convocation ceremony for other flagship programs. The exact date and venue will be shared later.
3.    Will I have access to recorded lectures?
Yes, the video recordings of all the lectures will be made available for the registered participants for a duration of 15 calendar days. The videos will be available only in view-only mode and will not be downloadable.
4.    What short of study material will be provided? Will it be available as a soft copies or hard copies?

Participants will be provided the prescribed textbook for each course and also the course packs (additional readings, articles etc., based on the advise of course faculty member). Given the blended mode, mostly the study material will be made available as soft copies.

5.    If I miss an exam, will I have the option to reattempt the exam?

The re-exam option is available only in certain exigencies like sickness, bereavement, own marriage etc. This is subject to production of necessary supporting documents and the sanction of leave by the Program Chairperson and/or Dean. However, the course faculty members are at liberty to deal with each case at their discretion. Make-up, if any, for missed exams/quizzes/tests (for valid reasons with prior approval) will be decided by the faculty concerned, whose decision will be final and binding.

6.    If I am unable to clear a exam, will I have the option to reattempt the exam?

There is no such absolute minimum passing marks. Based on the performance in all evaluation components of a course, students will be given a number grade point on a four-point grading scale. In case the performance is far lower compared to the course objectives and minimum expected standard as decided by the respective course faculty, the student will be awarded lower grades leading to low GPA. The students will have to ensure meeting a minimum of 2.00 CGPA in first year courses to be eligible for promotion to the 2nd year, a minimum of 2.00 CGPA in second year courses and a CGPA of at least 2.20 in all courses of first and second year to be eligible for the award of MBA.

7.    What is trimester system?

In a trimester system, the academic year is divided into three terms (1 to 3) and each trimestr is approximately 12-13 weeks long.

8.    How will the degree certificate be delivered to me?The degree may be collected in person by the graduating participant during the Convocation Ceremony, or may be sent by post to his/her provided address.
9.    If I want to contact IIM V, who should I approach?Mr. Ramesh Kumar Sethuraman
Asst. Administrative Officer
EMBA Program Office
Email: epgpoffice@iimv.ac.in
Mob: +91 9391482201
10.    What will be the exam centres for term exams?Please check the attached file for details of exam centres for term exam.