Empanelled Vendors List
Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam is an Institution of National Importance under the IIM Act 2017. Its overarching goal is to attain standards of global excellence in management, management research.
The Institute intends to register/ empanelment of suppliers/ vendors/ service providers by which Institute can have a broad panel of technically capable, financially sound, and reliable sources of supply to which enquiries can be addressed. Although the Institute would prefer enquiries with the empanelled vendors, the Institute reserves the right to opt for other mean, like advertisement in case of it desires so.
Empanelment / Registration Procedure.
- The applicant should clearly read all the pages of the document.
- Correct / relevant information / data have to be furnished by the vendors.
- The applicant should make sure before applying for a particular type of category, that the vendor / firm has the required eligibility criteria & experience for the that category of work / item.
- Service providers / suppliers shall have to fill and submit the registration form along with required documents to “Chief Administrative Officer (General Administration), IIM Visakhapatnam.\
- The sealed envelope containing the registration form, documents should be clearly super scribed on the top of the envelope as “APPLICATION FOR VENDOR REGISTRATION / EMAPANELMENT FOR SUPPLY OF ________________________________________________”.
- Vendors / firms registered with any state / Central organisations may submit their registration certificate along with other certified documents.
- The following essential documents (whichever is applicable) should accompany with the registration form:
- Trade License / Factory License.
- Memorandum and Article of Association, Certificate of Incorporation, Partnership Deed, Registration Certificate issued by the Registrar of Firms etc.
- Registration Certificates with any State / Central Govt. Organisations
- Current dealership agreement if any (if available).
- MSME/NSIC certificate.
- IT Returns for last 03 years- relevant documents to be submitted.
- Bank account details
- Relevant ISO certificates.
- A notarized affidavit that the vendor hasn’t been blacklisted by any institution of the Central / State Govt. / any PSU, University, Institute etc., in the past three years.
- On receipt of the registration form along with the requisite documents as mentioned above and after scrutiny the firm/ supplier will be registered.
- The firm will be considered for registration / empanelment for an initial period of one year and their registration will be considered for renewal as per Institute procedure, for two year or so, at a time subject to satisfactory performance of the firm during initial registration period.
- Empanelment offer duration will be of 3 years however, review will be done every year for evaluation of new agency and deletion of old agency who's performance is not satisfactory.
- The firm should have an office in Visakhapatnam and with good infrastructure and manpower / creative personnel / department (enclose organizational structure).
The empanelment forma may be downloaded from the following link: .
- Vendor Enpanelment Form