Subrat Kumar Sahoo

My career has been a fulfilling journey of over three decades in the steel industry, where I've had the privilege of holding significant leadership roles. As the Vice President and Head of Logistics, Marketing, Port Management, and Commercial Operations at JSW Steel Ltd., my experience has been deeply rooted in iron ore procurement, logistics management, shipping, and port operations. Each step of my career has been a learning experience, shaping my understanding of the intricate dynamics of the industry and the importance of innovative leadership.
Email | subratkumar[dot]sahoo24-08[at]iimv[dot]ac[dot]in |
Batch /Specialisation | EPHD.2024 / Production and Operations Management |
Qualifications /Degrees |
Work Experience/ Professional Appointments |
Research Interests/ Areas | Production and Operations Management in the domain of Supply Chain Management |
Scholarship |
Conference proceedings |
Linkedin /Facebook / Twitter/ Personal Website | |
Awards |