Aman Kumar

Aman Kumar

"PhD at IIM Visakhapatnam has been a great experience so far. The coursework at IIMV helps in equipping the student with all the skills and knowledge required to excel in academics. The institute promotes critical thinking by encouraging students to present ideas and discuss issues. Faculty members are very supportive and always have a welcoming attitude for new ideas. Transition to online setup has been very smooth at IIMV, and the learning is very enriching so far."

Batch /Specialisation2020 / Marketing Management
Qualifications /Degrees

MBA from Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad; 2018-2020
B.Sc. Statistics Hons. Hindu College, Delhi University; 2015-2018

Research Interests/ AreasMarketing Analytics, Social Media Marketing, Consumer Behaviour

Awarded Merit Cum Means scholarship at IIT(ISM), Dhanbad – 2018 and 2019
Awarded Oisca scholarship to study 11th and 12th standard in Japan - 2013