Senior Coordinators
Email ID: 

Pragya Goel

Vijay Kumar Singh

Asmita Kamble


"The IIM Visakhapatnam Nayam club bridges the critical gap between business and public policy, shaping future leaders who can navigate complex interactions. The club integrates public policy insights into the curriculum, fostering a culture of critical analysis where students dissect the impact of corporate and government decisions on each other. The Club organizes insightful talks and guest lectures (Vishleshan) from industry experts to stay informed. Our frequent newsletters and glossaries regularly inform students about current issues and the policy framework. They further these goals by engaging in events like Vaad-Vivid (intra-college debate competition), Artha Quiz (inter-college quiz Competition), and Chunauti (Inter-College Model UN simulation). NITI Gyaan is a case study-based competition, while the Model Parliament provides firsthand experience with legislative processes.  Through this comprehensive approach, the club equips students to become future leaders who can thrive where business and public policy converge."
