The Students' Affairs Council is the apex student body at IIM Visakhapatnam and permeates all aspects of student life. The SAC acts as the primary interface between the Institute’s administration and the student body at large and ensures a free flow of information and communication between the two. SAC is responsible for ensuring that the student needs are promptly addressed and responded to and that the student clubs and committees’ function with the highest standards as specified in the student charter. SAC works in close collaboration with the Institute administration for development, review, and revision of appropriate policies for the student body. It comprises of eleven members including president, other democratically elected members of various clusters and committees and four PGP1 junior representatives.

Garvit NakraPresident, SAC 2024-25 president-pgpstudents[at]iimv[dot]ac[dot]in

Ruksana RasheedAcademic Secretary acadsecretary[at]iimv[dot]ac[dot]in

Shivani GargAlumni Secretary alumnisecy[at]iimv[dot]ac[dot]in

Tamanna MankotiaBusiness Secretary businesssecy[at]iimv[dot]ac[dot]in

Sanjay ShajiCultural Secretary culturalsecy[at]iimv[dot]ac[dot]in

Ravi YadavHostel and Mess Secretary hmsecy[at]iimv[dot]ac[dot]in