Indian Institute of Management, Visakhapatnam believes in providing health & medical support  to everyone in the Institute. Medical officer, counsellor & nurse are available at Institute Health Center located in the campus. The students are covered with an insurance policy during their academic tenure, which can be availed in case of any emergency  or medical conditions requiring hospitalisation and in-patient services.

A Medical Emergency Response & Intervention  Team (MERIT), is always available at IIMV to support and assist in case of any health & medical-related concerns.

Health Center
Health Center

Indian Institute of Management, Visakhapatnam believes in providing health & medical support in all possible aspects to each in the Institute. Medical officer, Counsellor & Nurse are available at Institute Health Center in the campus. The students are covered with an insurance policy for the respective academic period, which can be availed in emergency and medical conditions, which needs 24 hours of hospitalization as an In-patient (mandatory), for respective academic period.

The Health Center facilitates counselling services who may need help and support in adjust to the new environment. A Medical Emergency Response & Intervention (MERIT) Team, is available at IIMV to support, provide care and to take necessary interventions in all health & medical-related concerns