The team of Prof Asmita Verma and Prof Pankaj Vishwakarma from IIM Visakhapatnam represented the Institute at the National Well-being Conclave held at IIT Hyderabad on 9-10 Nov 2024. The team took the opportunity to interact with Shri K Sanjay Murthy ji, Secretary to the GoI (Higher Education) and benefitted from his insights
The Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad hosted the first-ever National Well-Being Conclave on November 9-10, 2024, to promote mental health and resilience in higher educational institutions (HEIs). It focused on several issues surrounding the mental well-being of students, faculty, and staff. Prof. Pankaj Vishwakarma and Prof. Asmita Verma represented IIM Visakhapatnam at this conclave and set up a stall featuring the current practices implemented by IIMV pertaining to mental well-being. They also contributed to the compendium of these practices, which was launched at the event to guide HEIs in implementing effective mental health support systems. Organized under the aegis of the Dept. of Higher Education, GoI, the conclave featured enriching panel discussions, workshops, and exhibitions, focusing on fostering positive mental health, leveraging technology, and sharing best practices. It offered an engaging platform for new learning and knowledge-exchange.