Page 24 - iimv-news-Vol-2-e
P. 24
IIMV ties up with NCGG
The collaboration between IIM V and National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG) for teaching, training
and research on public policy and allied areas was enhanced by signing an MOU by Prof. M Chan-
drasekhar, Director, IIM V, and Dr V Srinivas, Additional Secretary, DARPG, Govt. of India; Director General,
NCGG, Govt. of India at the IIM V campus.Dr. V Srinivas addressed the gathering and highlighted the
history of the Indian Civil Services in nation-building. Prof. M Chandrasekhar elaborated the scope of
collaboration between the two institutions which include areas such as public policy, public finance, ethics,
and governance etc.
Valedictory program for the Certi cate course in R&D Management
26 MAY
IIM Visakhapatnam hosted the valedictory program
for the ‘Certificate Course in R&D Management for
the Scientists of Naval Science & Technological
Laboratory (NSTL), Visakhapatnam - Defence
Research & Development Organization (DRDO) in
collaboration with the Institute of Technology Man-
agement (ITM), DRDO on 26 May.Shri K S Vara-
prasad, Distinguished Scientist & Director General
(DS & DG)– Human Resources (HR), DRDO, graced
the occasion as the Chief Guest. He spoke on the
importance of R&D Management in Defense
Research and Production and lauded the efforts of
ITM and IIMV for designing an interactive and
evidence-based curriculum. Dr S V Kamat, DS &
DG(NS&M), Guest of Honour, recalled the initial phases of launching this program and thanked all the
people involved in making this program a run-away success. Shri Sanjay Tandon, OS & Director, ITM, Dr. O
R Nandagopan, OS & Director, NSTL, Shri R Srihari, Scientist-G, NSTL and Course Coordinator, Prof. M
Chandrasekhar, Director, IIM V, and Prof. B Srirangacharyulu, Programme Director, IIM Visakhapatnam
also addressed the gathering.