IWN - CII Meet


Collaboration between CII IWN AP and IIM Visakhapatnam kick started today with "Women Entrepreneurship- Problems and Problem Solving". 2 hour session drew the needs of women entrepreneurs out through Panel Discussion followed by Q nd A. It set clear path to take for CII IWN and IIM Visakhapatnam in meeting the 'real' needs of Women Entrepreneurs and there by create a flourishing Entrepreneurial Environment in the region.

Panel comprised of esteemed women leaders - Dr. Nagalakshmi V, Managing Director, IMIS Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd, Ms. Poonam Shah Srinath, Founder - Teeney Boppers and Ms.Varsha V.K., GM Operations, Sri Varsha Food Products India Pvt Ltd and was moderated by Ms. Hima Bindu A, Vicechair CII IWN AP/ Managing Director- Novel Patent Services. Prof. Sushil Kumar, Faculty- Entrepreneurship represented IIM Visakhapatnam team.

Dr. T. Vasudha, Chairwoman - CII IWN AP/ Head- Wellness, Brandix India Apparel City set the tone to the session/journey with introductory remarks/ closing remarks. Session was attended by women entrepreneurs from across the state and Ms. Prashanthi, Executive Manager - Efftronics Systems Pvt Ltd/Immediate Past-Chairwoman, CII IWN AP.