Page 19 - IIM(V)Issue Final (1)
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                             Unveiling consumer behavior in marketing: a meta-analytic

                             structural equation modeling (Meta-SEM) of the model of
                             goal-directed behavior (MGB)

                             AUTHOR: PANKAJ VISHWAKARMA

                             Published in Marketing Intelligence & Planning  (ABDC A)

                             Understanding  consumer  behavior  across  various  contexts  within  marketing
                             has long been the focus of studies. Although many models are used in explaining
                             consumers’ behavior, one of these is the Model of Goal-Directed Behavior (MGB),
                             which is becoming prominent in explaining consumers’ behavior in marketing. Given
                             its popularity, prior research on MGB has shown inconsistent outcomes regarding the
                             casual association of MGB variables. To overcome this, the authors have adopted a
                             meta-analytic review of the marketing studies grounded on MGB theory in examining

                             the consumers’ behavior. Click here for paper.

      Examining the effects of CSR on organizational
      attractiveness: perception study of job seekers in India.

      R. GUPTA

      Published in Journal of Global Responsibility  (ABDC-C)

      The purpose of this paper is to study the effect of corporate social responsibility
      (CSR) effectiveness on job seekers’ organizational attractiveness (JSA). Deriving
      inspiration from Carroll’s theory, the study specifically tries to measure the impact
      of CSR on JSA with the four dimensions pertaining to economics (PECO), pertaining
      to legal compliance (PLCO), pertaining to ethics (PETH) and pertaining to
      philanthropic (PPH). Furthermore, the paper also tries to examine the moderating
      role of company selection (COM SEL) done based on high or low CSR reputation
      and JSA.Click here for paper.


                             Mr. Aman Kumar, PhD (2020 batch, Marketing area) published the
                             following papers along with Prof. Amit Shankar (as one of the co-authors.)

                             1.Kumar, A., & Shankar, A. (2023). Why do Consumers Forgive Online

                             Travel Agencies? A Multi-study Approach. Australasian Marketing Journal,
                             2.Kumar, A., Shankar, A., Behl, A., Arya, V., & Gupta, N. (2023). Should

                             I share it? Factors influencing fake news-sharing behaviour: A behavioural
                             reasoning theory perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change,

                             193, 122647.

        16 VOL.4/ ISSUE 3, MAY - AUGUST 2023
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