Page 21 - Vol-4-Issue-1-Sep-Dec2022
P. 21


      Medical health camp
         29 SEPTEMBER
       A Medical Health Camp was organised to commemorate World Heart Day with the theme "Cardiovascular
       Health  For  Everyone"  on  the  Permanent  Campus  for  all  students  and  staff.  Dr.  Ch  N  Raju,  MD,  DM-
       cardiology, Consultant Interventional cardiology, delivered a health lecture on heart-healthy behaviours.  For
       the conduct of the camp, specialists from Medicover Hospital, Sai Godavari Super Specialty Hospital, and Sri
       Satya Sai  Dental  Hospital  were invited.    The Camp  is organised  by the  Institute's Health  Centre  in
       collaboration with the Student Group - Vatsalya.

       Doctors from Medical Specialties such as Gynecology (Dr. R Suchitra, MS, Fellow in Gynec Oncology),
       Cardiology (Dr. Ch. N Raju, MD DM), Dermatology (Dr. Swapna Priya, MD DVL), and Dentistry (Dr. Siva Babu,
       MDS) conducted a variety of preventive checks on students and staff. The that were provided at the free
       ECG, random blood sugar testing, ophthalmology and dental consultations were provided at the camp.
       About 150 students and faculty members participated in the camp.

       General Eye camp

         08 OCTOBER
       On the occasion of World Sight Day, the Health Centre organised a general Eye Camp for screening
       refractive errors at IIMV’s permanent campus.The team from Maxi Vision Eye Hospital conducted
       preventative and corrective eye checks. About one hundred students, staff, and faculty members attended
       and benefited from the Eye Screening Camp.

      International immersion of PGP-DGM students at eGA, Estonia
         10 OCTOBER

       PGP-DGM second and third batch students attended an international e-governance best practices study
       tour at eGovernance Academy (eGA), Estonia between October 10-15, 2022. The destination was chosen
       as Estonia is regularly ranked very high on e-governance index and is known world-wide for excellent
       e-governance solutions for service delivery to citizens. Among many other concepts, the students were
       informed about the much-acclaimed X-road concept for interoperability . Students explored the e-Cabinet
       solution in use by Estonian government, and visited Centre of Registers, Statistics Board and University of
       Tartu to study inclusive administration of Smart City.

      IIMV observes Vigilance Awareness Week 2022
         31 OCTOBER
       IIMV observed Vigilance Awareness Week from October 31 to November 6, 2022. This year’s Vigilance
       Awareness Week theme is ‘Corruption free India for a developed Nation’. To mark this event, faculty and
       staff took an integrity pledge, led by Prof. Deepika Gupta, IIMV's Chief Vigilance Officer.

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