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P. 20


       IWN - CII Meet

         24 SEPTEMBER
       Collaboration between CII IWN AP and IIM Visakhapatnam
       began at "Women Entrepreneurship- Problems and Problem
       Solving".  This  2-hour  session  drew  the  needs  of  women
       entrepreneurs out through Panel Discussion followed by Q nd
       A. It set clear path to take for CII IWN and IIM Visakhapatnam
       in meeting the 'real' needs of Women Entrepreneurs and there
       by  create  a  flourishing  Entrepreneurial  Environment  in  the
       Panel comprised of esteemed women leaders - Dr. Nagalakshmi V, Managing Director, IMIS
       Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd, Ms. Poonam Shah Srinath, Founder - Teeney Boppers and Ms.Varsha V.K., GM
       Operations, Sri Varsha Food Products India Pvt Ltd and was moderated by Ms. Hima Bindu A, Vicechair CII
       IWN AP/ Managing Director- Novel Patent Services. Prof. Sushil Kumar, Faculty- Entrepreneurship
       represented IIM Visakhapatnam team.
       Dr. T. Vasudha, Chairwoman - CII IWN AP/ Head- Wellness, Brandix India Apparel City set the tone to the
       session/journey with introductory remarks/ closing remarks. Session was attended by women entrepreneurs
       from across the state and Ms. Prashanthi, Executive Manager - Efftronics Systems Pvt Ltd/Immediate
       Past-Chairwoman, CII IWN AP.

      Blood donation camp at IIMV

         24 SEPTEMBER

       On the eve of National Voluntary Blood Donation Day, IIM Visakhapatnam, in partnership with A S Raja
       Voluntary Blood Bank, hosted a blood donation camp to promote the Raaktdan Amrit Mahotsav initiative of
       the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Dr. V Bhaskar Ram, Medical Officer, IIMV,  organised the camp.

       A S Raja Voluntary Blood Bank supports children
       suffering from thalassemia through the blood
       donations. Dr. Vijaya Lakshmi, the District Medical
       and Health Officer, and her team visited the IIMV's
       permanent     campus     in   Gambheeram.       She
       highlighted the advantages of blood donation for
       both blood recipients and blood donors. Students,
       faculty members, security personnel, and the NBCC
       team attended the camp.

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