Page 34 - IIM(V)Issue_Sep-Dec 2023_Edited 7_26 Feb
P. 34



         15 OCTOBER

      On the backdrop of the Springer Nature India Research Tour in partnership with the Indian Ministry

      of  Education,  IIMV,  hosted  the  Springer  Nature  team  to  share  insights  on  Research  and  engaged  in  an
      invigorating panel discussion on the topic “Role of ebooks in academic learning and research around – HSS

      & Management.”

      Prof.  Shivshanker  Singh  Patel,  Coordinator  (A&R),
      Prof. Amit Shankar, Chair (Research & Publications

      Committee),     Prof.   Kalyan     Kolkuluri,   Chair

      (Library Advisory Committee) spoke on research
      communication and role of ebooks in academic

      learning and research around Humanities and Social
      Sciences (HSS) and Management area. The event

      was attended by management students, research

      scholars and other renowned industry experts.

                                                              Speaking  on  the  occasion,  Prof.  Shivshanker
                                                              Singh Patel, Coordinator (A&R) said that the India

                                                              Research Tour’s  primary  objective  is to  fortify  the
                                                              Indian research landscape by nurturing the talents

                                                              of young researchers and creating an inclusive
                                                              environment for knowledge dissemination. One of
                                                              the tour’s fundamental principles is to democratize

                                                              research, foster conversations to enable access for
                                                              all  and  promote  Sustainable  Development  Goals


      Mr. Venkatesh Sarvasiddhi, Managing Director, Springer Nature India shared his perspective stating: “The
      National Research Tour embodies a holistic approach to foster research, innovation, and knowledge-sharing

      throughout India. Our joint objective with the Ministry of Education is to strengthen India’s research landscape,
      empower  young  researchers,  promote  access  for  all,  and  contribute  towards  Sustainable  Development

      Goals. We are particularly committed to empowering women researchers and facilitating access for girl

      students, thus promoting the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion within Indian academia.”

      The Ministry of Education and Springer Nature India are resolute in steering India toward a sustainable and
      innovative future. This collaborative endeavour, grounded in research, innovation, and the realization of the

      SDGs, symbolizes India’s unwavering commitment to meaningful progress.

        31 VOL.5/ ISSUE 1, SEPT - DEC 2023
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