Page 29 - IIM(V)Issue_Sep-Dec 2023_Edited 7_26 Feb
P. 29



      NIDHI Accelerator Program is aimed to help aspiring entrepreneurs in the country, including the ventures
      already being incubated at TBIs, to be guided in a rigorous and more structured manner, through a deep
      mentoring  process  and  access  to  funding  and  market  networks.  NIDHI  accelerators  are  positioned  for
      accelerating startups that have made significant progress in terms of market validation and are at the growth
      and scale-up stage.

      IIMV FIELD has selected 15 startups for the NIDHI Accelerator Program.
      Demo Day is organized for 8 Startups (FinPlay, Elecxion Energy, Brickinfra Structures, Unboxing Art, Fitbuddy,
      Kula Studio, Vacus Tech, Sugarshell) with 7 Investor groups (IPVentures, SucSeed Innovations, 100x VC,
      Inflexor, Venture Catalyst, Chennai Angels, Mumbai Angels) and facilitated 33 interactions.



                                                          “Everybody  is  a  genius.  But  if  you  judge  a  fish  by  its
                                                          ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing
                                                          that  it  is  stupid.”  –  Albert  Einstein.  This  education

                                                          allegory conveys the idea that our education sector has
                                                          only explored the mental potential of a few individuals
                                                          with certain kinds of intelligence and abilities. The rest,
                                                          which we can classify as neuro-divergent thinkers, has
                                                          been ignored and, worse, neglected. damaged
      Founded – Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.
      Interdisciplinary Fields – Edu Tech *
      Cognitive Sciences * Art

      The  term  “neurodivergent”  describes  people
      whose brain differences affect how their brains

      work. That means they have different strengths
      and challenges. The possible differences include
      certain medical conditions, learning disabilities,

      and other conditions.

          To unleash the untapped and unknown potential of neurodivergent individuals’ mental ability.

          To  explore  how  Artificial  Intelligence  would  challenge  neurotypical  mindsets,  allowing  us  to  take
          neurodivergent minds to the next level in this era of AI and the conceptual age.
          To publish a book on neurodivergence called Neuro-Dimensions, which will help decode neurodivergent

          conditions and maximize their potential.

        26 VOL.5/ ISSUE 1, SEPT - DEC 2023
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