Page 36 - IIM(V)Issue_Sep-Dec 2023_Edited 7_26 Feb
P. 36



         14-20 NOVEMBER

      National Library Week serves as a vital platform
      to raise awareness about the extensive resources
      and services our library provides. We are grateful to

      all faculty, staff and students who took the time to
      explore the various sections, including classification,
      periodicals, and new arrivals.

      Here’s a glimpse of the engaging events and activities
      the library had in store while celebrating National
       Here’s a glimpse of the engaging events and activities
       the library had in store while celebrating National
                                                               Children’s  Day  Book  Exhibition  (November  14th)
                                                               &  Guess  Your  Library  Resources: In honour of
                                                               Children’s Day, an impressive array of children’s
                                                               books from the IIMV Library were put on display.
                                                               A dedicated children’s corner was identified in the

                                                               new Learning Resource Centre (LRC).
                                                               Publishers and Vendors Exhibition (November 15th
                                                               - 17th): An exclusive showcase of the latest editions

                                                               by renowned publishers and vendors.

      Treasure  Hunt  (November  16th):  An exhilarating
      treasure hunt was organized by our library team. This

      event was open to faculty, students, and staff, with
      gift coupons for the victorious participants.

      Library  Book  Event  (November  17th):  A special
      gathering was called for all library users to discuss
      and celebrate our extensive collection of library books.

                                                              Crack  the  Code  (November  18th):  An engaging

                                                              code-breaking challenge was set up to foster critical
                                                              thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork.

                                                              Quiz on the “Iron Lady” on her Birthday (November
                                                              19th): To commemorate the birthday of the renowned
                                                              historical figure, the “Iron Lady,” an informative and

                                                              engaging quiz was conducted.

        33 VOL.5/ ISSUE 1, SEPT - DEC 2023
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