Page 30 - IIM(V)Issue_Sep-Dec 2023_Edited 7_26 Feb
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      Suggested 3-Tier – 3 P’s solution which deals with the educational triad: Students, Teachers, and Parents.

      Pedagogy - Special educators with the right levels of empathy and sensitivity will be selected and equipped
      with the right kind of tools and methodologies to deal with divergent kids.

      Pupil – Similar kinds of divergent individuals will be grouped together, and suitable workshops will be provided
      to address their divergent conditions in a shared environment.

      Parents  –  One-to-one counselling for the parents of the participants due to the stigma associated with
      learning disabilities.


      a. Detection: The first level is to detect and analyse the intelligence type of the student.

      b. Disability: The second level is to identify their learning disability and provide remedial action to minimize it.

      c. Divergence: The third level is to focus on their divergent strengths and allow them to
         explore and maximize them.


            Butterfly – Personal: A dyslexic person’s journey is very similar to that of a butterfly. Being dyslexic
            myself, I have gone through 3 stages, which are:

                Caterpillar – Dealing with the learning disability, this stage is marked by lots of self-doubts, personal
                trials, and tribulations.

                Pupa – A self-discovery and self-learning journey through introspection, study, and research.

                Butterfly – Once one understands one’s strengths and areas of concern, one can fly in their respective
                gardens (domains).

            Honeybee – As a group of friends from various domains sharing the goal of conducting groundbreaking
            research in multiple fields, we call ourselves the HIVE Group. We have formed a Think Tank where we
            bring together creative and innovative ideas and projects to explore them in depth, much like bees do

            when they harvest honey from flowers. It was at this point that I became motivated to tackle this subject

            Kangaroo Baby - Following the incubation of our Venture at IIM V, we were able to further investigate
            and confirm our idea with the assistance of other professors and professionals. Being in a baby pouch
            under the security of the incubation centre, we were able to take one step at a time thanks to the support

            we received.

            Jungle – Raising a child requires a village. The same is true for raising a newly developed species -
            Thought Leadership: a jungle. The city of Visakhapatnam serves as this forest, and its ecosystem of

            academic institutions, research facilities, and institutional specialists has helped us mold our endeavor
            to this point.

        27 VOL.5/ ISSUE 1, SEPT - DEC 2023
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