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       For the seventh episode Vaktavya on 21 August, IIM V hosted Mr. Abhishek Shaw, Senior Operational
       Excellence Manager at Pfizer India who delivered a talk on ‘Operational Excellence in Business Strategy’.

       EPIC- Entrepreneurial Passion & Innovation Club of IIM Visakhapatnam hosted Mr. Martin Zwilling, Founder
       & CEO of Start-up Professionals Inc. and an Angel Investor for the eighth episode on 28 August.
       He delivered a talk on ‘Mistakes Made by New Entrepreneurs’. For the last episode during this quarter, i.e.,

       episode 9, Dr. Gopichand Katragadda, the CEO & Founder of Myelin Foundry and an Independent Director
       of Bosch India Limited. He is also the Vice President of the IET, Board of Trustees UK, and a member of the
       NASSCOM governing council for the Centre of Excellence for Data Science & AI, addressed students on the
       topic ‘Thriving in the age of intelligent Machines’

       ShodhSamvad- Editors Talk series

          23 AUGUST
       IIM Visakhapatnam organizes Editors Talk series ‘ShodhSamvad’,
       with the objective to understand editors’ views on publishing in

       high-impact factor journals. We hosted Prof. Kannan Govindan,
       Professor, Operations & Supply Chain Management, University of
       Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark for the third episode of
       SodhSamvad. Prof. Kannan Govindan, Operations & Supply Chain
       Management, University of Southern Denmark. He discussed the
       best practices for targeting top ranked journals and shared an
       editor's perspective of publishing in high impact factor journals.The          Prof. Kannan Govindan
                                                                                 Operations & Supply Chain Management,
       talk was moderated by Prof. Aalok Kumar.                                     University of Southern Denmark
                                                31 AUGUST
                                             For the fourth episode, we hosted Dr.Jacqueline Eastman, Professor
                                             of Marketing, Honors Coordinator, Georgia Southern University,
                                             Editor, Journal of Consumer Behaviour; Dr.Steven D’Alessandro,
                                             Head of the International School,Professor of Marketing, University
                                             of Tasmania, Editor, Journal of Consumer Behaviour and Prof. Rajesh
                                             Iyer, Chair and Professor of Marketing, Director of International

                                             Business, Department of Marketing, Bradley University, Associate
                                             Editor, Journal of Consumer Behaviour. The talk was moderated by
                                             Prof. Amit Shankar, IIM V faculty(Marketing area). These talks were
                                             attended by faculty members and research scholars of IIM V.

        5  VOL. / ISSUE  /MAY AUG
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