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CONVOCATION ......................................... 1 FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK
CONFERENCES AND PANEL ........................ 3 Dear Readers,
We are pleased to share with you the
DISTINGUISHED GUEST LECTURES, ........... 4 sixth issue of IIM (V)ibes, a quarterly
FACULTY RESEARCH SEMINARS AND newsletter that covers news and events
INVITED TALKS at our Institute in Visakhapatnam. IIM
(V)ibes has truly become an important
WORKSHOPS AND WEBINARS .................... 6 communication link between the
Institute and its numerous stakeholders.
ONLINE MDPS AND FDPS ........................... 7 While on the one hand it captures the
vibrancy of our Institute, on the other, it
INTERNSHIP DIARIES ............................... 8 also details the unique assortment of
the varied experiences that are on offer
RESEARCH AT IIMV ................................... 9 at IIM(V).
IIMV – FIELD ............................................. 16 This issue of the newsletter encapsulates
the events that transpired at IIM (V)
IMPORTANT EVENTS ................................. 19 between May and August 2021.It brings to
you news about various matters: the
STUDENT INITIATIVES AND OTHER ............... 25 fourth and fifth Annual Convocation
IMPORTANT EVENTS hosted virtually in July, Program
Inaugurations, IIM V collaborations, and
AWARDS AND ALUMNI STORIES .................. 28 news from IIM V - FIELD. Our research
IIMV IN MEDIA ......................................... 30 publications, online MDPs and FDPs, and
student initiatives in these last four
V POD: IIMV’s Podcast ................................ 31 months underscore the commitment of our
highly dedicated community. We have also
IMPRESSIONS ........................................... 32 featured Internship diaries, Alumni stories,
Cultural activities, and have offered
glimpses of student creativity in the form
of photographs, poems and artwork. So,
here is another issue that showcases the
ongoing life and activities at Sunrise IIM.
Happy reading!
Chair -Editorial Committee for Institute Publications.