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       Online conference on ‘The Evolution of Organizations:
       How to Create an Innovative Company’

          16 AND 17 AUGUST

       IIM V conducted a 2-day online conference on ‘The Evolution of
       Organizations: How to Create an Innovative Company’, a
       collaborative venture between academic experts from India and
       Slovenia, on 16 and 17 August 2021.After the inauguration of the
       conference by Prof. M Chandrasekhar, Director, IIM

       Visakhapatnam,Prof. Violeta Bulc, former EU Commissioner for
       transport and Deputy Prime Minister of Slovenia, and one of the
       G100 Global Chairs of women leaders, spoke on the importance
       of mass innovation and ways of creating an innovative ecosystem to nurture and grow
       Ecocivilizations.Prof. Sonja Klopcic, faculty at the Gea College, Slovenia, and former CEO, Chair of the
       Board, and Crisis Manager across several organizations, then delivered her talk on Key Drivers of the

       Evolution of Organizations. In the third session, Prof. Deepika Gupta, faculty at IIM V and Program
       Co-Director thentalked about ‘Innovating through Business Models’. On the second day of the conference,
       Prof. Amit Chakrabarti, faculty at IIM V and Program Director, delivered a talk on ‘Corporate Leadership’,
       and Prof. Sonja Klopcic spoke about ‘Integral Leadership for Innovative Companies’. This virtual
       conference was attended by over 900 participants including academicians, corporate executives, and
       students from across nations.

                                     Panel discussion

                                         17 JULY

                                     ‘HRange’ – A Panel Discussion on "Managing the Transition due to the
                                     Pandemic”~ Retail Industry was jointly organized by HR Association of
                                     India and Manthan – The HR Club of IIM Visakhapatnam.

        3  VOL. / ISSUE  /MAY AUG
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