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        On  November  27,  Mr.  Kiran  Sangita,  CEO,  MD,
        and Founder of Sails Software Inc., delivered
        an insightful talk on ‘Sharing the insights

        and experiences of starting and building an

         For the subsequent leadership talk on December
         1, IIMV welcomed welcome Ms. Priyanka S., SVP &
         National Manager - Product & Communications at
         AU Small Finance Bank.

                                                              On  December  3,  Mr.  Siva  Rama  Krishna  Yedla,
                                                              SVP,  Head  of  Global  Fund  Services  Technology,
                                                              Northern Trust, delivered an engaging session on
                                                              ‘Artificial  Intelligence  and  The  Role  of  Business
                                                              Leaders in Driving Enterprise Adoption’ This was a

                                                              unique opportunity to gain firsthand insights into
                                                              the art of building of teams an organization from
                                                              the ground up, creating a sustainable impact, and
                                                              leading with purpose.

                                                              Mr.  Aji  Chacko,  Head  -  Operations  at  AICE
                                                              Healthcare  Pvt  Ltd,  delivered  a  talk  on  ‘Taking
                                                              charge of your story (Empowering the leader
                                                              within you)’ on December 11.

        Ms. Protima Dhawan, Director & Business Head at

        Anand Rathi Wealth Limited, delivered a talk on
        ‘Why financial literacy is important and the best
        investment options in today’s dynamic ecosystem’
        on December 12. Her talk offered firsthand insights
        into the art of building of teams an organization
        from the ground up, creating a sustainable impact,
        and leading with purpose.

        The  next  scheduled  on  December  13  was
        delivered by Ms. Sakshi Goswami, Vice President
        at BNY, who spoke about ‘Blending ambition with
        discovery:  An  amalgamative  tale  from  Chatur

        Ramalingam to Ranchhod Das Chanchad’

        5 VOL.6/ ISSUE 1, SEP-DEC 2024
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