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requirement of additional resources and capital, among others, for the
Indian insurance industry and for actuaries who are owners of key
figures in the balance sheet of insurers. The article will also explore
how insurers in India need to navigate and understand these complex
changes with practical solutions to implement IFRS 17 within the
specified timeframes.
Click here to read the paper.
Harnessing employee emotional capital for higher order
Parul Gupta, Kanupriya Bakru, Amit Shankar
International Journal of Learning and Change (ABDC-C)
This study explores the factors that affect the accumulation of
employee emotional capital and the subsequent returns generated
in an organisation. It uses qualitative research methods based on
interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to collect data
which enables an in-depth investigation of the lived experience of
the participants. This study identifies how factors like investment,
leadership, culture, and systems impact the accumulation of
employee emotional capital in an organisation. It also identifies
which specific returns emotional capital can generate for individual
employees and the organisation. This study also augments the Socio-
technical systems theory (Trist and Bamforth, 1951) and makes it
more relevant for the current business scenarios. The study provides
a comprehensive understanding of factors which can strengthen the
integration of technology and human components of an organisation
and generate a higher order performance.
Click here to read the paper.
Why do consumers choose online food delivery services?
A meta-analytic review
Amit Shankar, Charles Jebarajakirthy , Haroon Iqbal Maseeh ,
Preeti Nayal , Aman Kumar , Chitra Krishnan
International Journal of Hospitality Management (ABDC-A*)
This study proposes a meta-analytic framework with the
underpinnings of unified theory of acceptance and use of technology,
value-based adoption model, and brand relationship quality theory
10 VOL.6/ ISSUE 1, SEP-DEC 2024