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           issue  by  using  capital  infusion  data  in  the  Indian  banking  industry,
           where government capital infusions in public sector banks happen in
           all economic conditions and hence allow us to control for a non-crisis
           environment. Our results strongly support the moral hazard problem
           in banks, surrounded by no apparent economic crisis. The results are
           also independent of the bank’s propensity to take risks and its financial
           health. One major implication of our findings is that repeated capital
           infusions to protect banks can be detrimental as it increases the fiscal

           risk of the country.

           Click here to read the paper.

           Ecolabelling: a meta-analytic structural equation

           modelling approach

           Nivin Vinoi, Pankaj Vishwakarma
           Journal of Knowledge Management  (ABDC-A)

           Researchers  have  devoted  considerable  attention  to  ecolabel
           products  and  their  purchase  intention.  However,  empirical  research
           often presents relatively unpredictable and uneven results. Thus, the
           relationship between the antecedents and outcome variables among

           ecolabelling studies, such as purchase intention, remains ambiguous.
           To address this gap in the literature, this study combines the Theory
           of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and Stimulus, Organism, Response (SOR)
           theory within a meta-analytic framework, consolidating existing
           literature on the purchase intention of eco-labelled products to analyse
           concrete relationships between antecedents and purchase intention.

           We  conducted  a  comprehensive  analysis  of  37  studies  and  a  total
           sample size of 16,672 participants. The analysis employed a MASEM

           technique, and the findings of the analysis offer empirical support for
           the significance of all the proposed relationships within the provided
           conceptual framework.

           The  results  revealed  that  environmental  advertising  significantly
           impacts green attitude and later substantially influences consumers’
           intention to make environmentally conscious purchases. The

           present study also  has  examined  the  potential  inclusion of  different
           recommended moderators, such as time period and sample size.

        7 VOL.6/ ISSUE 1, SEP-DEC 2024
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