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        Case Conference on Responsible Innovations
        & Sustainability Practices

           13 DECEMBER
        The Centre for Responsible Management Education       Representatives  from  ET  Cases  including  Mr.
        (CRME) IIMV inaugurated the Case Conference on        Ashwinkumar  Pawar  and  Dr.  Nagendra  V.
        Responsible Innovations & Sustainability Practices    Chowdary, attended the event. Mr. Sunil S Sood,
        (CRISP). This landmark two-day conference brings      Chief  Growth  &  Partnership  Officer  at  TimesPro,
        together academics, industry experts, and thought     expressed his views, stating, “The best outcome of
        leaders  to discuss sustainability and  responsible   this initiative was the opportunity to take on a larger

        management practices.                                 role in promoting sustainable business practices.
        The  conference  was  inaugurated  by  Prof.  Amit  As the first-ever case conference on sustainability,
        Shankar, Dean (Research) at IIMV, who highlighted  this event marks a significant milestone”.
        the role of innovation and sustainability in

        shaping  responsible  business  practices.  Prof.
        Amit  Baran  Chakrabarti,  Chair  of  the  CRME,
        stated that the event features three sessions
        with  presentations  from  15  teams,  focusing  on
        responsible management, green innovation, and
        ESG  integration.  stated  that  the  event  features
        three sessions with presentations from 15 teams,
        focusing on responsible management, green

        innovation, and ESG integration.

         Vyakhyan: The Leadership talk series

            08 SEPTEMBER

         The   Corporate    Relations    and   Placements
         Committee  organized  a  webinar  with  CRISIL
         Limited, featuring Mr. Magesh Babu, Associate
         Director of Global Research & RS FR at CRISIL.

        3 VOL.6/ ISSUE 1, SEP-DEC 2024
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