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        insights. The workshop saw active participation        The  organizing  committee  included  Prof.  Vijaya
        from industry professionals, faculty, and students.    Marisetty,  Prof.  Preeti  Virdi,  and  Prof.  Pankaj

        The event began with a tree-planting ceremony,         Vishwakarma.
        symbolizing  a  commitment  to  sustainability,
        followed by inspiring addresses on the challenges
        and opportunities in sustainable tourism. A
        recurring theme was the need for collective action
        by local communities, businesses, and tourists
        to achieve meaningful and lasting change. The

        workshop concluded with a dynamic World Café
        discussion, where participants brainstormed
        innovative solutions for promoting sustainability in
        the tourism sector.

        Hridaya 9.0: Exploring the Future of Work and Digital Transformation
           23 NOVEMBER

        IIM  Visakhapatnam  organized  the  ninth  edition    Mr.  Kaushik  Mitter,  Senior  VP  HR  at  Reliance

        of its annual HR conclave, Hridaya 9.0, centered      Jio, underscored adaptability and collaborative
        on  transformative  shifts  in  human  resources      learning  to  remain  competitive.  Mr.  Prashant
        driven by digital advancements and evolving           Kulkarni, Senior VP HR at MDI Network, discussed
        workplace dynamics. The event was inaugurated         the growing role of AI and data-driven decision-
        by  Prof.  Deepika  Gupta,  Chairperson  of  Career   making in HR practices. Furthermore, Mr. Aravind
        Development Services and Alumni Relations, who        Warrier,  HR  Leader  at  Volvo  India,  emphasized
        emphasized the importance of adapting to rapid        irreplaceable human qualities like imagination,
                                                              curiosity, and empathy. Mr. Sushil Kumar Tripathi,
        digital transformations reshaping the modern          VP HR at PSP Projects Limited, stressed learning
        workplace. Two insightful panel discussions were      agility and continuous value addition in the
        the highlights of the conclave: “Skill Development    workplace.
        in  the  Digital  Age”,  moderated  by  Anil  Kumar
        Misra, CEO of Eduonn.”The Future Talent Beyond       A recurring theme was the importance of reskilling,
        AI and Machine Learning”, moderated by Tanushri      upskilling,  and  measuring  the  ROI  of  training

        Nair,  Vice  President  HR  at  OneXtel.  Panelists   programs through behavioral changes and practical
        shared  diverse  perspectives:  Mr.  Rahul  Bagle,   outcomes. The event, organized by Manthan - The
        CHRO  of  Force  Motors  Limited,  highlighted       HR Club of IIM Visakhapatnam, provided a platform
        aligning employee training with technological        for enriching discussions, equipping students and
                                                             professionals with insights on navigating digital
        advancements  in  fields  like  hybrid  fuel  systems   transformation and the evolving role of HR.
        and  cybersecurity.  Mr.  Ganpathi  Subramanian,
        CHRO  of  Sundaram  Home  Finance,  advocated
        integrating  traditional  training  with  digital  tools

        and  introduced  the  “Gurukul  Model”  to  empower

        2 VOL.6/ ISSUE 1, SEP-DEC 2024
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