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        EMBA 2024-26 Batch Inauguration Ceremony (winter intake)

           15 DECEMBER
        IIM Visakhapatnam inaugurated the second batch         congratulated     the   batch   and    encouraged
        of its Executive Master of Business Administration     continuous upskilling and maintaining a balanced

        (EMBA)  program  in  an  online  ceremony.  Prof.      life for career success. Shri Anish Srikrishna, CEO
        Happy  Paul,  Program  Chairperson,  emphasized        of  TimesPro,  discussed  how  the  program  fosters
        IIMV’s  dedication  to  providing  flexible  learning   critical  skills  and  cross-sectoral  knowledge.  Prof.
        opportunities  for  professionals.  Prof.  Prashant    Vijaya  Marisetty,  Dean  (Academics),  and  Prof.
        Premkumar,  Admissions  Chair,  presented  the         Kaveri Krishnan, Dean (Administration), were also
        profile of the diverse 2024-26 EMBA batch.             in attendance and welcomed the participants.

        Prof.  Chandrasekhar  M,  Director  of  IIMV,          The EMBA program, offered in partnership with
        underscored the connection between leadership          TimesPro,  empowers  mid-career  professionals
        and  learning,  emphasizing  innovation  as  key  to   to  navigate  complex  business  environments  and
        developing  ‘next  practices’.  Shri  Vishal  Malik,   advance their careers.

        COO  &  AO  of  Kearney  PERLab  and  Chief  Guest,

        Workshop on Sustainable Tourism

           6 NOVEMBER
        IIM   Visakhapatnam,      in  collaboration    with   distinguished dignitaries, including Shri Dinesh

        Wageningen  University  &  Research,  organized  a    Kumar,  IAS,  and  Smt.  Kalpana  Kumari,  IAS,
        workshop on Sustainable Tourism. Set against the      alongside  industry  leaders  such  as  Mr.  Prabhu
        backdrop  of  IIMV’s  GRIHA  5-star  rated,  net-zero   Kishore and Mr. Anilkumar SG. Academic experts
        campus, the workshop facilitated enlightening         Edward  Huijbens,  Wilfred  Dolfsma,  Kalyan
        discussions on sustainable tourism practices          Chakravarthy  Guntuboyina,  Arun  Pratihast,  and
        and innovations. The event was graced by              Lawrence Jones-Walters also contributed their

        1 VOL.6/ ISSUE 1, SEP-DEC 2024
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