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       Ms. Vasanthi Mamidala, PhD (2020 batch, Finance and Accounting

       area) published the following paper along with
       Prof. Pooja Kumari.
       Investigating herding severity in different NFT categories

       This study investigates unconditional and conditional herding behaviour in Non-
       Fungible Token (NFT) sales volume and whether NFT’s popularity coheres with it.
       We find that herding exists in all NFTs except metaverse NFTs and is more significant

       in lower sales volume for game and utility NFTs. Furthermore, NFTs’ sales volumes
       and popularity exhibit coherence. Overall, our findings provide valuable insights for
       investors and policymakers.
       Published in Finance Research Letters (ABDC A)

       Click here for paper.


                              Mr. Chandan Kumar (Bihar State Resource Associate, MGNF)
                              published two research articles:

                              The first one was titled “The Potential of CSR towards Creation of Rural Livelihoods in In-
                              dia”, published in International Journal of Contemporary Research In Multidisciplinary.
                              Corporate social responsibility as a tool for international development explicitly aims to solve
                              problems like hunger and poverty and eliminate financial and organizational influence. In
                              India, developmental problems endured in the preliminary years of independence, and the
                              government has realized CSR as an effective tool for growth and alleviation of poverty.
                              Click here for paper.

      His second paper was titled “Impact of Covid 19 on Migrant workforce” which was published in International Journal
      of Scientific and Research Publications
      Impact of Covid during lockdown on informal workforce in Southern part. Their companies and MNCs got shut down
      and compelled to return. They were helpless and fragile to leave the city due to lack of thrive for survival. At that point
      of time, government schemes, Hospitals and medical guidance came to null. Click here for paper.


                               Prof. Deepika Gupta authored a book chapter on ‘Open Innovation and International
                               Entrepreneurship  Ecosystem’  for  the  edited  book  ‘From  Technology  Innovation  to
                               Creating Startups - Global Trends in Ecosystem Development and Management’, by
                               Srikanta Patnaik, Vincenzo Pallotta and Kayhan Tajeddini.  Click here for reference.

                               Authored book chapter on ‘ Legal, Ethical, and Risk Issues in Human Resources’ for
                               the  edited  book  ‘Effective  Human  Resources  Management  in  the  Multigenerational
                               Workplace’ by Angela M. Even and Bryan Christiansen, IGI Global, USA. Click here for

        19 VOL.5/ ISSUE 1, SEPT - DEC 2023
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