Page 8 - Vol-4-Issue-1-Sep-Dec2022
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       Another participant, Mr. K Krishna Murthy noted that "it was a privilege to receive training at IIMV, which
       covered  a  majority  of  concepts  and  situations  linked  to  ours  and  helped  us  clarify  our  priorities".  Prof
       Shivshanker Singh Patel, Coordinator (Academics & Research), delivered the valedictory address and lauded
       the participants for their involvement in Project ASPIRE (Advancing Sustainability, Partnerships, and
       Innovations for Reaching Epidemic control) (which is supported by Centers for Disease Control and
       Prevention (CDC)).

       The 3-day program, led by Prof. Sunitha T and Prof. Karthika S, covered topics such as leadership &
       influence, strategic leadership, and project management for the social sector. Sessions also focussed on
       managing teams, managing conflicts through negotiation, and storytelling and persuasive communication.

      5-day Strategic Leadership Program for Public Sector Enterprises

         14 NOVEMBER

       IIM  Visakhapatnam  inaugurated  the  5-day  Strategic  Leadership  Program  for  Public  Sector  Enterprises,
       under the aegis of the Department of Public Enterprises, Government of India, on November 14, 2022. The
       Chief Guest for the occasion, Cmde. Hemant Khatri, Chairman and Managing Director, Hindustan Shipyard
       Limited, illustrated the phenomenon of strategic leadership through inspiring examples from India's social,
       political, business, and military leadership. He emphasized on the importance of strategic leaders being
       risk-takers and having the courage and conviction to go beyond the tried-and-tested for what truly matters.

       The Guest of Honour, Dr. Nitin Aggrawal, Joint Director,
       Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), spoke about the vision
       of the DPE leadership training programs, and the intended
       takeaways for the participants. He emphasized the importance
       for  Public-sector  officers  to  be  updated  with  the  latest
       innovations  in  CSR,  Artificial  Intelligence,  and  business

                                                   The valedictory event was held on November 18, 2022, and Shri
                                                   J. Srinivasa Raju, Chairman, Geomardy, addressed the audience
                                                   as the chief guest for the occasion. By sharing various success
                                                   stories at Geomardy, Shri Raju emphasized the changing
                                                   landscape for technology and business in India and the
                                                   importance of institutions, both public and private, to be
                                                   prepared to grab the many opportunities. He also spoke about
                                                   the importance of investing in human resources. He urged the
                                                   audience to be prepared and change the strategies and goals of
                                                   their institutions in accordance with the expanding goals and
                                                   ambitions of the India of the 21st century.

       The  valedictory  also  had  the  participants,  senior  leaders  of
       Public-Sector Enterprises from across the country, share their
       feedback for the program. The leaders lauded the interactive
       knowledge sharing in the classes and the many valuable
       opportunities for networking that the event provided.

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