Page 6 - EEP - Brochure
P. 6


  The  Indian  Institute  of  Management  Visakhapatnam  (IIMV)  is  an  institution  of  National
  Importance under the IIM Act, 2017. The  Institute’s  objectives enshrined under the Act are to :

                01                           02                         03                        04

            Educate and
        support leaders who                 Provide                 Support and                   Develop

         can contribute as              management               develop programs               educational
            professional              education of high        prmoting social and             programs and
             managers,                  quality and to             gender equity               faculties that

         entrepreneurs, and             promote allied                                      advance the cause
        stewards of exisitng         areas of knowledge                                        of education,
           and emerging                 as well as inter                                       teaching and
          enterprise in the          disciplinary studies.                                    learning, across

         private, public, and                                                                    disciplines
           social sectors.

    In line with the above objectives, IIMV regularly conducts  customized online and offline Executive
    Education Programs (EEPs) for individuals and corporates to hone their management, research
    and teaching skills. The Executive Education programs offered by IIMV are broadly of two  types.

    MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT                                             FACULTY DEVELOPMENT
    PROGRAMS                                                           PROGRAMS

    MANAGEMENT  IIMV  offers  tailor-made,  custom-designed  management  development

    DEVELOPMENT  programs  for  industry  professionals.  These  programs  are  aimed  at
    PROGRAMS                 broadening  the  horizon  of  participants  and  strengthening  their  skills  to
                             prepare them to be better managers and leaders. The programs have been
                             offered both on online and offline formats.

                             IIMV  offers  tailor-made  Faculty  Development  Programs  (FDPs)  targeted  at
                             research scholars, faculty as well as industry professionals. These programs
                             are aimed at broadening the horizon of participants and strengthening their
                             skills  to  prepare  them  to  be  better  teachers,  researchers,  and  academic
                             administrators. While some FDPs are open for registrations from anyone who

                             is interested, we also offer FDPs for institutions like NPIU and CBSE etc
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