Page 5 - EEP - Brochure
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                                                              Currently, 7 flagship programs, catering to various kinds
                  ABOUT                                       of entrepreneurial needs and gaps in the ecosystem
                                                              Women  Startup  Program  aims  to  support  ambitious
                 IMV  FIELD  is  the  Incubation  and
                 Startup  Hub  of  IIM  Visakhapatnam.        and innovative women entrepreneurs by enabling them
                 After  starting  Operations  in  2018,  IIMV  to  transform  their  idea  into  a  business  venture,  in  this
                 FIELD is now one of the fastest growing
                                                              cohort-based incubation program
                 incubators in India.
                                                              TIDE  2.0  Program  aims  to  promote  tech  ventures
                                                              through    financial   and   technical   support    to
                  VISION                                      entrepreneurs  providing  solutions  using  Information  &

                Overall,  IIMV  FIELD  is  committed  to      Communication  Technologies,  in  this  cohort-based
                creating  a  conducive  environment  for
                                                              incubation program
                fostering         and          supporting
                entrepreneurship  and  innovation,  and       Vidhyardhi  to  Vyavasayee  (V2V)  Program  aims  to
                with  its  strategic  plans,  it  is  well  on  its  support  student  entrepreneurs  who  are  currently
                way    to   becoming      a    world-class    studying in the Engineering and Science colleges from
                incubation center.
                                                              the  regions  of  AP  and  TG,  in  this  cohort-based  Pre-
                                                              Incubation Program.
                  MISSION                                     IIMV SUPERS Program aims to support PGP Students of
                                                              IIM Visakhapatnam, as per the institute’s Startup Policy.
                IIMV  FIELD  aims  to  build  the  Incubation
                                                              Nidhi Accelerator Program aims to provide acceleration
                Center  by  leveraging  the  strengths  of
                this region. Being a management-based         support to women led and technology-based start-ups,
                incubator,  IIMV  FIELD  is  sector  agnostic
                                                              from  all  over  India  in  this  cohort-based  Acceleration
                and  can  support  ventures  in  all  sectors.
                However, In the direction of becoming a
                world class incubation center, IIMV FIELD     Social  Impactpreneurs  Program  aims  to  focus  on  and
                wants  to  strategically  scale  up  its      help  Entrepreneurs  from  all  over  India,  who  set  out  to
                existing   programs     and    add    new
                                                              solve social problems in the gap areas as identified by
                programs to its portfolio of services.
                                                              the  NITI  Aayog,  GOI  and  thereby  create  an  Impact  on
                                                              the Society. It is a cohort-based Incubation Program
                                                              Naaripreneur  for  Her  Program  aims  to  focus  on  and
                                                              support  ventures  led  by  women  or  ventures  with
                              solutions for women, from all over India in this cohort-
                                                              based Program.
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