Page 12 - IIM(V)Issue_Sep-Dec 2023_Edited 7_26 Feb
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      During the Inaugural Address of the 5th batch of

      the program, Chief Guest Dr. J. P. Dash, IOFS, G.M.,
      National Academy of Defence Production, addressed
      the cohort on topics such as supply chain challenges,
      sustainable procurement, and best practices of
      procurement. Adv. Shri Ashutosh Kumar Mishra,
      Invited Speaker for the Valedictory, shared insights

      on  Integrity  Pact,  Code  of  Integrity,  and  Dispute
      Settlement in Procurement Processes.

      He commended the participants’ collective effort and their active participation and engagement throughout
      the programme. Sharing their experiences from the programme, participants expressed gratitude to the
      faculty and appreciated the course content.

        9 VOL.5/ ISSUE 1, SEPT - DEC 2023
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