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long history and sustainability and urged participants to free their minds from feeling inferior at global levels. Prof. M.
Chandrasekhar, Director, IIM Visakhapatnam, in his address brought out the high contribution of Canara Bank in
India’s economy and the importance of learning and the relevance of applying the knowledge from training at
professional levels.
20 February:
IIMV conducted a 6-day program to harness and ever-changing market.
maximise leadership potential and thereby enhance IIMV Director Prof. M. Chandrasekhar stressed the
personal and professional effectiveness. Mazagon Dock importance of shipbuilding in achieving the vision of
Shipbuilders Ltd. (MDL) officials started their 6-day Atmanirbhar Bharat and appreciated the achievements
Leadership Development Program at the Indian Institute of Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd. in contributing
of Management Visakhapatnam (IIMV) A.U. Campus.
towards the vision. The Director also mentioned that the
Distinguished Scientist and Director General (Retd), sessions planned for the participants on strategic
DRDO Dr. V. Bhujanga Rao, who was the chief guest for planning, leadership, business analytics, etc., will help
the inaugural session, delivered his address emphasising them fine-tune and upgrade their existing skills, which
the need for developing management competencies for will in turn improve the overall organizational
senior officials in their overall development. With his performance. Prof. Balaji Subramanian and Prof.
vast experience in the industry, Dr. Rao made the Anupama Sharma were the program directors for this
participants realise the need to develop and use MDP.
advanced technological tools to compete in the
Vol 4 | Issue 2 | Jan-April 2023 | 13