Page 7 - April_2024 Broucher.indd
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Amit Shankar
02 Title: Sustainable organizational performance management: deciphering the role of emotional
capital in e-commerce industry
Journal: South Asian Journal of Business Studies
Deepika R Gupta
03 Title: Examining the effects of CSR on organizational attractiveness: perception study
of job seekers in India
Journal: Journal of Global Responsibility
Pankaj Vishwakarma
04 Title: Understanding the Adoption of Traditional (2D) and Virtual Reality (3D) Online Grocery Store in
India: An Exploratory Study
Journal: Global Business Review
Rohit Titiyal
05 Title: Impact of e-fulfillment on consumer loyalty across different product types
Journal: Journal of Asia Business Studies
Other Publications
Deepika R Gupta
01 Title: Legal, ethical, and risk issues in human resources
Journal: Effective Human Resources Management in the Multigenerational Workplace
Mohammad Shameem Jawed
02 Title: Is perceived value enough to create loyalty for m-wallets? Exploring the role of trust and
Journal: Cogent Business and Management
Deepika R Gupta
03 Title: Open Innovation and International Entrepreneurship Ecosystem
Journal: Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Management