Page 5 - April_2024 Broucher.indd
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Pooja Kumari and Vasanthi Mamidala
22 Title: The changing dynamics of crypto mining and environmental impact
Journal: International Review of Economics & Finance
Nivin Vinoi and Amit Shankar
23 Title: Enablers and inhibitors of digital hoarding behaviour. An application of dual-factor theory and
regret theory
Journal: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Nivin Vinoi and Amit Shankar
24 Title: Holding on to your memories: Factors influencing social media hoarding behaviour
Journal: Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Musunuru Praveena and Mohammad Shameem Jawed
01 Title: COVID-19, Stock Liquidity, and Abnormal Returns
Journal: Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies
Pooja Kumari and Aman Kumar
02 Title: Investigating the dark side of mobile bookkeeping applications: a moderated-mediation
Journal: VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems
Pankaj Vishwakarma
03 Title: What makes customers of airport lounges satisfied and more? Impact of culture
and travel class
Journal: Journal of Air Transport Management
Kalyan Kolukuluri
04 Title: Adverse health shocks, social insurance and household consumption: evidence from
Indonesia’s Askeskin program
Journal: International Journal of Health Economics and Management
Pooja Kumari
05 Title: Value relevance of earnings and book value of equity in profit versus loss reporting firms:
significance of intangible intensity
Journal: Accounting Research Journal