Page 2 - April_2024 Broucher.indd
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Publications (with IIMV Affiliation) as per ABDC List
01 Amit Shankar
Title: Effectiveness of B2B social media marketing: The effect of message source and message
content on social media engagement
Journal: Industrial Marketing Management
02 Vishal Singh Patyal
Title: Performance evaluation of Indian electricity distribution companies: An integrated DEA-IRP-
TOPSIS approach
Journal: Energy Economics
Vasanthi Mamidala and Pooja Kumari
01 Title: Investigating herding severity in different NFT categories
Journal: Finance Research Letters
Pankaj Vishwakarma
02 Title: Unveiling consumer behavior in marketing: a meta-analytic structural equation modeling
(Meta-SEM) of the model of goal-directed behavior (MGB)
Journal: Marketing Intelligence and Planning
Amit Shankar
03 Title:Unraveling the psychological and behavioral consequences of using enterprise social media
(ESM) in mitigating the cyberslacking
Journal: Technological Forecasting and Social Change
04 Title:Underrated yet successful! A framework of invisible-disabled underdog entrepreneurs
Journal: (Journal of Business Research)