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Rohit Titiyal
06 Title: Analyzing critical success factors for the implementation of air-taxi services for public
Journal: International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
Aman Kumar and Amit Shankar
07 Title: Understanding dark side of online community engagement: an innovation
resistance theory perspective
Journal: Information Systems and e-Business Management
08 Title: Disengagement toward brand-based online communities: The role of culture
Journal: Journal of Global Marketing
Amit Shankar
09 Title: Examining the luxury consumers’ showrooming behaviour: The effect of perceived values and
product involvement
Journal: Journal of Global Fashion Marketing
Pankaj Vishwakarma
10 Title: Journal of Internet Commerce: A Bibliometric Overview
Journal: Journal of Internet Commerce
Asmita Verma
11 Title: Evaluating global data policies around non-personal data on social and public good
Journal: Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance
Abhishek Srivastava
01 Title: “Does Emotional Intelligence Impact Technology Adoption?”: A study on Adoption of
Augmented Reality
Journal: Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems