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Five-Day Training Program on Public Procurement for CPSE Officers
Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam mutual growth. Led by Prof. S. Chatterjee, the five-
inaugurated a Five-Day Training Program on day capacity-building program covers key aspects
Public Procurement for CPSE Officers Under of procurement, including strategies to prevent
the aegis of the Procurement Policy Division, and combat fraud and corruption in contracting,
Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, identifying red flags, procuring goods and services
Government of India, on 18th November 2024. through GeM, procuring consulting services,
Prof. Deepika Gupta, CVO, IIM Visakhapatnam, preparing tender documents, and upholding the
took the participants through the five-day code of integrity.
schedule. Shri Rajendran Kamalakannan, Senior The program brings together 45 officers from
Deputy General Manager (Vigilance), Power Grid Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) across
Corporation of India Limited, addressed the cohort the length and breadth of India, fostering a
and emphasized the critical role of networking and collaborative environment for shared learning and
interactive sessions in fostering collaboration and growth.
Leadership Development Program for the principals of Jawahar
Navodaya Vidyalaya (Batch 1)
IIMV conducted a five-day Leadership Development Delivering the inaugural address, Dr. Rama Mohana
Program for the principals of Jawahar Navodaya Rao Katta, Vice Chairman of the Andhra Pradesh
Vidyalaya (JNV). This initiative, organized under State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE),
the aegis of the Department of School Education lauded this effort as a pivotal step in strengthening
and Literacy (Ministry of Education, Government of school leadership. He emphasized the need
India) and Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, is designed for visionary leaders who can strike a balance
to equip educational leaders with critical skills and between quality and accessibility in education,
strategies that align with the vision of the National while also leveraging innovative strategies to
Education Policy (NEP). support disadvantaged students.
32 VOL.6/ ISSUE 1, SEP-DEC 2024