Page 38 - IIM(V)Issue_10 Feb_V4
P. 38


        Executive Certificate Program in Advanced Strategic
        Human Resource Management

           15 DECEMBER
        IIMV welcomed the participants of the first batch
        of the Executive Certificate Program in Advanced
        Strategic  Human  Resource  Management.  In  his

        inaugural address, the Chief Guest Shri MVN Rao,
        Head  –  Corporate  Learning  and  Development,
        Larsen  &  Toubro,  emphasized  on  the  strategic
        role of the HR professional in the changing times
        today. He spoke on the need for the HR to move
        beyond operational concerns and also focus on

        overarching  business  parameters.  Shri  Rao  also
        urged the participants to invest in learning and      which  experienced  HR  professionals  will  explore
        self-development, over and above what is planned      various  aspects  of  strategic  HRM,  HR  analytics,
        by their respective workplaces. The Advanced          digital HRM, and design thinking.
        Strategic    Human      Resource     Management       The  program  is  being  led  by  Prof.  Bishakha
        Certificate  programme,  in  collaboration  with      Majumdar (Program Director) and Prof. Amit Baran
        UptopCareers,  is  a  six-month  learning  journey  in   Chakrabarti (Program Co-Director).

        Project Saksham Leadership Development Programme for officers of

        Indian Oil Corp Limited (IOCL)

           16 DECEMBER

        IIMV welcomed 17 experienced officers from across
        the country, each with over 10 years of professional
        experience, during the launch of Project Saksham
        Leadership  Development  Programme  for  officers
        of  Indian  Oil  Corp  Limited  (IOCL).  The  program  is
        designed to contextualize leadership development,

        ensuring its relevance to the participants’ roles
        and aimed to train participants in key areas such
        as business resilience, appreciative inquiry, and
        change management, among others.

        The  program  was  led  by  Prof.  Amit  Baran
        Chakrabarti (Program Director) and Prof. Bishakha
        Majumdar (Program Co-Director).

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