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Executive Post Graduate Certificate Program in General Management
The fourth cohort of the Executive Post Graduate
Certificate Program in General Management
(EPGCPGM) was inaugurated by IIMV. Neeraj
Sanghi, Managing Director and Operating Partner
at Neo Asset Management Pvt. Ltd. During the
inauguration, Mr. Sanghi provided his perspective
on the significance of continuous learning for
personal and professional development. To
facilitate the transition from managerial to
leadership positions, he offered the participants
with his ‘SMILE’ model. will participate in experiential exercises, interactive
The EPGCPGM is intended to improve the seminars, group discussions, and case studies
comprehension of business and the role of throughout the duration of the program, delivered
participants in the establishment of successful online through Jaro education’s advanced platform.
organisations. The 92 participants in this cohort, Prof. Prince Doliya and Prof. Preeti Virdi serve as
with an average work experience of 5.77 years, the program directors.
Senior Management Program for Senior Executives (Batch 2)
IIMV launched Senior Management Program
(SMP), a year-long program, designed for another
cohort of senior executives seeking to enhance
their leadership capabilities and broaden their
strategic insights in today’s fast-evolving business
environment. The SMP curriculum offers deep dives
into critical areas such as leadership development,
business strategy, data science, sustainability,
and digital transformation.The inaugural session
featured an inspiring keynote address by Ms.
Reena Evans, Senior Director at Acko, who shared
invaluable insights on the future of AI, automation,
and sustainable leadership in driving business
outcomes. The program is being led by Prof. Amit
Shankar and Prof. Josyula Srinivas.
27 VOL.6/ ISSUE 1, SEP-DEC 2024