Page 32 - IIM(V)Issue_10 Feb_V4
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        Executive Program in Business Analytics and Data-Driven
        Decision-Making (Batch-IV)

           10 NOVEMBER

        IIMV successfully launched the fourth batch of        Business School, Denmark who will guide the
        the Executive Program in Business Analytics and       participants.
        Data-Driven Decision-Making. Delivering the
        inaugural address,

        Dr.  Udayaadithya  Avadhanam,  Principal  &  Vice
        President  of  Mphasis  NEXTLabs,  shared  his
        insights and perspectives with the new batch.
        Prof.  Shivshanker  Singh  Patel,  Program  Chair,
        from IIMV, joined hands with the distinguished
        professors Prof. Ravi Vatrapu, Ted Rogers School

        of  Management,  TMU,  Canada;  Prof.  Raghava
        Rao  Mukkamala,  Copenhagen  Business  School,
        Denmark,  and  Prof.  Abid  Hussain,  Copenhagen

        Executive Certificate Program in Business Finance & Financial

           16 NOVEMBER
        IIMV concluded the Executive Certificate Program

        in Business Finance & Financial Modelling
        (Batch 1). This diverse cohort, consisting of
        professionals  from  banking,  finance,  accounting,
        and IT with an average of 9+ years of experience,
        gained  advanced  skills  in  financial  analysis,
        forecasting,  valuation,  and  investment  decision-

        making.  Delivering  the  valedictory  address,  Prof.
        Chandrasekhar M, Director of IIM Visakhapatnam,
        noted the importance of meticulous planning and
        evaluation of investment opportunities on the
        growth trajectory of organizations
        The  program  is  led  by  Prof.  Kaveri  K  (Program
        Director), and Prof. Monika Dhochak, (Program Co-


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