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Young Scientists Induction Program for scientists from ICMR (Batch 2)
IIMV successfully completed the Young Scientists The YSIP program was led by Prof. Prashant
Induction Program (YSIP) for the second batch in Premkumar, the Program Director, and Prof. Kaveri
which fifty-four young scientists from the various K., Program Co-Director.
centres of Indian Council of Medical Research The on campus inauguration for this program was
(ICMR) participated. Dr. Lakshminarayanan, held on 7 October where Dr. Archana Upadhyaya,
Deputy Director General (Administration), ICMR, Project Manager (Scientific) ICMR, delivered a
chief guest for the inaugural ceremony, highlighted special address and noted that this is an inspiring
the success of the previous batch held in March platform that ignites the minds of young scientists,
2024 in which a large cohort of scientists from shaping them into future leaders.
ICMR participated.
Executive Certificate Program in Senior Leadership
IIM Visakhapatnam successfully launched the
2nd batch of the Executive Certificate Program in
Senior Leadership. Mr.Dhirendra Nath, President &
CPO at SLK Group, present during the inaugural,
congratulated the participants for taking up this
initiative to upskill themselves. Over the next 5-6
months, participants will gain a unique blend of
theoretical insights and real-world applications.
Collaborating with UptopCareers, we are proud
to support a dynamic cohort of Founders, C-suite This program is being led by Prof.Happy Paul and
executives, Directors, and Senior Managers as Prof.Anuradha M V and is designed to equip senior
they embark on their journey toward leadership professionals with the leadership skills needed to
excellence. thrive in executive roles.
28 VOL.6/ ISSUE 1, SEP-DEC 2024