Page 27 - IIM(V)Issue_10 Feb_V4
P. 27


        Inauguration of PG Certificate Program in Entrepreneurship

           23 SEPTEMBER
        IIMV  successfully  launched  the  PG  Certificate  in
        Entrepreneurship program, jointly inaugurated by
        the Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam

        (IIMV) and the Small Industries Development Bank
        of  India  (SIDBI).  This  18-month  program  aims
        to empower aspiring entrepreneurs from both
        the  Telugu  states.  30  budding  entrepreneurs,
        from diverse backgrounds, with (0-14 years) of
        experience joined the program. The program
        combines 10 months of academic training and 8

        months of mentorship for venture creation, aligning
        with SIDBI’s ‘Mission Swavalamban’ initiative.

         Shri  Saurabh  Bajpai,  Deputy  General  Manager,     While the program is fully funded by SIDBI,
         SIDBI, graced the event as the chief guest. In        Prof.  Amit  Shankar,  Dean  Research,  highlighted
         his  address,  he  emphasized  the  pivotal  role     that each participant carries a responsibility
         of   ‘Education-4-Entrepreneurs’     in   fostering   to contribute to the nation’s development. The
         employment creation. He encouraged participants       participants also presented one innovative idea
         to make the most of this unique opportunity           each  across  various  fields,  including  but  not
         with the ultimate goal of venture creation and        limited to education, agritech, skill development
         value  proposition.  He  also  commended  IIMV        and pharmaceutical. IIMV will help in developing

         for developing a rigorous and unique course,          these ideas over the course through training,
         thoughtfully  designed  for  the  program’s  first    mentoring, incubation, and support, with the aim
         cohort.                                               of transforming them into viable start-ups.

        5 IIMV inaugurated the 3rd Batch of the Certificate Program in
        Advanced Corporate Strategic Management

           29 SEPTEMBER

        IIMV  launched  a  five-month  online  certificate    was the culmination of years of experience in
        program in advanced corporate strategy for middle     conducting management development programs
        and senior-level executives in companies. The         by the institute.
        average work experience of the batch is fourteen

        Speaking on the occasion, the program director Prof
        Amit  B  Chakrabarti,  highlighted  the  key  aspects
        of the program, which include a simulation where
        the participants get to run their own companies, a
        case writing workshop as well as a design thinking

        workshop. He also added that this program

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