Page 6 - Volume5, Issue 3, May-August 2024
P. 6
Additionally, she mentioned that 25 percent of the
Additionally , she mentioned that 25 per cent o f the where contributions to both industry and academia
participants are women.
par ticipants ar e w omen. are essential, necessitating a research-oriented
Prof. Amit Shankar, Dean of Research and mindset. Prof. Shah further stressed the critical
Chairperson of the Executive PhD, welcomed the role of research in the future, especially given the
new cohort and advised them to balance their current allocation of only a small fraction of GDP
commitments across three areas: work, family, and to R&D. He affirmed that participants have made
their PhD studies. He highlighted that the launch of the right choice by joining IIMV to maximize their
this first batch aligns with the National Education potential and opportunities.
Policy (NEP), which emphasizes bridging the gap Prof. M. Chandrasekhar welcomed the participants
between industry and academia by fostering and assured them that IIM Visakhapatnam is
collaboration between scholars and practitioners. committed to providing an exceptional learning
experience. He highlighted the importance of
Prof. Janat Shah, a member of the Board of
Governors at IIM Visakhapatnam and former aspiring to reach their full potential and encouraged
director of IIM Udaipur, served as the Chief Guest for collaboration among participants and faculty
the function, alongside Prof. M. Chandrashekhar, members to develop research and case studies that
Director of IIM Visakhapatnam, who also graced address contemporary management challenges.
the occasion. At the event, Prof. Prashant Premkumar,
Admissions Chair, noted that participants will
In his address, Prof. Janat Shah congratulated attend an 8-day immersion module on campus
the participants on their decision to enrol in the from July 7-14, 2024. Following this, they will begin
IIMV Executive PhD program, underscoring the working remotely on their research projects before
importance of upskilling in research for working proceeding to an international immersion in Term
professionals. He emphasized that the world is 2, and then returning to campus for the third leg of
moving toward a knowledge-intensive future, the immersion program.