Page 40 - IIMV Newsletter_30 May 2024
P. 40
Potharla S., Kumar N., Choudhary P., Surya Kumari Turibilli
Published in the Management and Labour Studies (ABDC-C)
According to the information efficiency view, stock price synchronicity
reflects the degree of integration of firm-specific information with
market-level information. Stock price synchronicity is higher (lower)
when there is a higher (lower) level of integration between the firm and
the overall market information. As the disclosure of environmental,
social and governance data provides more firm-specific, non-financial,
value-relevant information to the market, stock prices reflect such
information efficiently. It leads to more information efficiency and lower
synchronicity of stock prices. Against this backdrop, the present study
examines the relationship between ESG and its component scores
and stock price synchronicity using a sample of 163 Indian companies
reporting their ESG scores through the Thomson Reuters database
from 2011 to 2021. The findings of the study confirmed that the ESG
score and the scores of its components (except the governance score)
have a significant negative impact on stock price synchronicity and a
significant positive impact on idiosyncratic volatility. This is consistent
with the information efficiency viewpoint, implying that ESG disclosure
has value relevance in the capital market and that investors in the
Indian market consider ESG information when making investment
decisions. Click here for the paper.
Mr. Guneshwar Anand, PhD 2019
Presented a paper titled ‘Facets of the knapsack polytope from non-
minimal covers’ at IIMB Management Review Doctoral Conference
(IMRDC 2024) in the paper track held scheduled between 2-3 February
2024. His paper was awarded the IMRDC 2024 Best Paper Award
Ms. Mamidala Vasanthi, PhD 2020
Presented a paper titled ‘Do crypto investors herd?’, co-authored
with Prof. Pooja Kumari at the RSEP International Multidisciplinary
Conference held between 8-9 February 2024 (UAE).
37 VOL.5/ ISSUE 2, JAN-APRIL 2024