Page 39 - IIMV Newsletter_30 May 2024
P. 39


      PhD Scholars’ Publications and Conference presentations

         Mr. Reetendra Singh, PhD 2021
         Ajay Kumar Bhurjee, Pankaj Kumar, Reetendra Singh, Vinay

         The book chapter titled ‘Overview of nonlinear interval
         optimization problems’ has been published in the book series

         of Advances in Computers. Click here for the reference.

         Ms. Surya Kumari Turubilli, PhD 2020

         1. The Social Pillar of ESG: Exploring the Link Between
         Social Sustainability and Stock Price Synchronicity

         Potharla S., Surya Kumari Turibilli., Shekar M.C.
         Published in the Indian Journal of Corporate Governance   (ABDC-C)

         This study examined the association between the social sustainability
         aspects of  environmental,  social  and governance  (ESG)  initiatives
         and stock price synchronicity in 146 publicly listed companies in
         India from 2011 to 2021. Social sustainability is gauged using
         indicators such as community engagement, adherence to human

         rights, customer loyalty, consumer health and safety protection, and
         employee  welfare.  Panel  data  regression  with  industry-year  fixed
         effects reveals a positive association between social sustainability
         and stock price synchronicity. This finding suggests that the stocks
         of companies with strong social issue management are more aligned
         with market movements. The findings indicate that investors value
         ethical management, commitment to human rights and employee
         satisfaction. The insights provided by this study are vital for investors’
         fund allocation decisions, highlighting the importance of workforce

         and supply chain diversity, fair workplace practices, human rights
         compliance  and  product  integrity  in  informed  investment  decision-
         making.  Overall,  the  research  confirms  the  economic  benefits  that
         social sustainability bestows on companies and their investors. Click
         here for the paper.

         2. Is ESG Data Financially Viable? A Case of Stock Price

        36 VOL.5/ ISSUE 2, JAN-APRIL 2024
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