Page 30 - Vol-4-Issue-1-Sep-Dec2022
P. 30


                                                           Skill Calendar

                                                           A comprehensive calendar for all the skill training
                                                           programs conducted by the line departments of
                                                           skill development.The skill calendar for the months
                                                           December 2022 to Mar 2023 has been launched
                                                           and released by the Collector. The calendar will be
                                                           available  at  all  local  panchayat  offices,  training
                                                           centres, and common places so that awareness
                                                           about skill training initiatives reaches every house
                                                           in the District.

                                                           Training for HIV-positive patients
                                                           This initiative is being planned in collaboration with
                                                           DSC  members,  and  RUDSETI  has approved
                                                           implementing the training course. Special training
                                                           sessions will be designed and conducted for HIV
                                                           positive patients in 2023.

                                                           This initiative of MGNF Madhepura district enables
                                                           girls from the rural background to learn traditional
                                                           skills. This programme began in the small village of
                                                           Ghritkundali, Bihar, with 24 girls. This programme
                                                           had two nationally recognised trainers and one
                                                           support staff member. This was the first initiative of
                                                           its kind.

         Mr.Aniket Bhushan ( rst from right),
         MGNF Fellow, Madhepura district, Bihar during
         the inauguration of ‘Sujani’programme

                                                           A memorandum of understanding (MOU) was
                                                           signed between Deputy Commissioner (in-charge)
                                                           Shri  Cheechung  Chikku,Upper  Sub  an  siri  district
                                                           Arunachal Pradesh and Shri Shiva Kanchi bothla
                                                           -CEO  of  SSRDP  (Sri  Sri  Rural  development
                                                           programme) Trust, Art of Living for the setting up of
                                                           the  first  Vocational  Skill  Development  Training
                                                           Centreat Daporijo in the presence of Shri Chimpu
                                                           Lombi-Assistant  Director  of  Industries,  Mr.Ashok
                                                           H-Program Manager and Mr. Satyam Raj-MGNF,
                                                           Upper Sub an siri district.
         Shri Cheechung Chikku (left), & Shri Shiva Kanchi
         bothla (second from right) along with MGNF Fellow
         Mr. Satyam Raj, Upper Subansiri district

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