Page 2 - Vol-4-Issue-1-Sep-Dec2022
P. 2


         BUSINESS CONCLAVES AND PANEL DISCUSSIONS                     .................................................  1

         EXECUTIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMS                 .....................................................................  1
         PLACEMENTS         ....................................................................................................  9

         RESEARCH AT IIMV          ...........................................................................................  13

         OTHER IMPORTANT EVENTS, AND CELEBRATIONS ...................................................           17

         IIMV FIELD         ....................................................................................................  21

         STUDENT ACHIEVEMENTS AND AWARDS ..............................................................         26

         MGNF ...............................................................................................................  26

         ALUMNI CORNER          ...............................................................................................  30

         IIMV IN MEDIA          ...............................................................................................  33

         IMPRESSIONS            ...............................................................................................  35


       Dear Readers,

       We are pleased to share with you the tenth issue of IIM (V)ibes, a quarterly newsletter that covers news of
       our institute in Visakhapatnam. Compiled for all its numerous stakeholders, this newsletter chronicles and
       showcases the ongoing life and activities at Sunrise IIM.

       The current issue of the newsletter covers news and events between September and December 2022.
       During this quarter a lot was accomplished, and many promising news helped us scale greater heights. The
       Institute maintained its trend of 100% placements for its 7th PGP batch of students, yet again. Throughout
       the quarter, numerous activities were held to keep the campus active. Through the 4th Annual Colloquium,
       Panel Discussions, Distinguished Guest Lecture series, invited talks, Seminars, and Webinars, our faculty

       and student body contributed to and benefited from the numerous opportunities for knowledge sharing.

       The Executive Education Programs hosted a total of fourteen MDPs and FDPs during this quarter and
       provided custom-designed training to industry professionals, faculty members, and research scholars from
       numerous organisations. Prioritizing health, the Institute organised a vaccination drive, a medical health
       camp, and a general eye camp for its students, staff and their dependents. Our students continue to win
       prestigious awards and prizes in competitions held on national and international stages, making us beam
       with pride.

       We hope you get as much joy knowing all about our Institute activities as we had in collecting and
       bringing them to you.

       Happy Reading!

       Dr. Sunitha.T

       Chair -Editorial Committee for Institute Publications.
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