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       Speaking on this occasion, Prof. Chandrasekhar said, “I am humbled at the Board’s enduring confidence
       and trust in me. My sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Education, Govt. of India, and the Government of
       Andhra Pradesh for their invaluable support to me and the Institute at large in its growth and
       development. Our discerning Board comprising members of eminence and distinguished IIM Alumni has
       been a great source of encouragement, inspiration, and strength. On the strength of such guidance and
       support, the Institute could lead in many initiatives and carve out a distinctive place for itself, with several
       firsts to its credit. The vision of the Institute would be to rank among the top 20 business schools of the

       country in the next five years."

       Prof. Chandrasekhar is an engineer and management professional by training. IITs at Delhi and Bombay
       are among his alma maters. Between 1983 and 2002, he held senior management and top executive
       grade positions in the corporate world. He was with the Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI),
       Hyderabad, as a full Professor from April 2002 to March 2017 and held many academic and
       administrative leadership positions, such as Dean and Director.

      International Women's Day celebrations at IIMV

         8 MARCH
      On the occasion of International Women’s Day (08 March), IIM Visakhapatnam hosted Ms Rashmi
      Chowdhary, Additional Secretary, Dept. of Personnel & Training, GoI as the Chief Guest. In her insightful

      address, she traced the history of International Women’s Day and discussed the importance of gender
      diversity in all walks of life. She spoke about how maintaining diversity at workplace offers better and
      conducive environment. She stressed on ensuring gender parity for the less-privileged women and
      emphasized on the active role that men must play towards better gender inclusiveness.

                                                  Speaking on the occasion, the Director of the Institute, Prof.
                                                  Chandrashekhar spoke about women’s contribution in the
                                                  society and the significance of celebrating Women’s Day. He

                                                  highlighted the concrete steps that the Institute has been
                                                  taking to ensure gender diversity. He also referred to the
                                                  Nari Shakthi Puraskar Awards of the GoI, the highest civilian
                                                  honour conferred on women, that recognize and reward
                                                  women who are game-changers, making positive

       contribution to the empowerment of women. He stated that the Institute would be drawing upon the
       achievements and innovations of women, in the classroom discussions.

      Prof. Neena Pandey, Coordinator (Administration) introduced the
      Chief Guest and made introductory remarks.In his concluding

      remarks, Prof. Amit B Chakrabarti Coordinator (Academics &
      Research) congratulated all the women of the IIMV family and
      expressed gratitude to Ms. Chowdhary for her thought
      provoking talk.Professors Bishakha Majumdar, Anuradha and M
      S Jawed also shared their ideas on lending strength to the
      efforts and voice of women, be it at home or at work.

        18   VOL. / ISSUE  /JAN APRIL
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