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       Thanksgiving letter by Ms. T Swarna Latha

       Dear Sir,

       Most excited and overwhelming I couldn't stop myself from expressing my happiness of com-
       pleting my Post graduation at IIM in spite of my previous no good academic records at my
       college days two decades ago. I have  balanced my studies along with my hectic job and family
       care in this unprecedented pandemic.

       There were more hurdles in my career of study since 1996 after my graduating BSc(Botany,
       Zoology and Chemistry), wished to study MSc couldn't do as girls were not allowed to study out
       of station then. Have to discontinue my Company secretary (CS)course due to the birth of
       children. Has satisfied myself with distance education of MBA at ICFAI. Thought, this pandem-
       ic may again be a hurdle to my studies that happened after a long gap, but IIMV has helped to
       cross it by continuing with the efficient online classes

       I thank the management of IIMV for giving me the opportunity who once studied in a govern-
       ment college 25 years ago and allowed me to compete with alumni of IITians and NITians of
       good academic records. I could prove myself worthy standing among the top three in  few of my
       elective subjects. Learned a lot being the Class leader to the batch of different personalities
       and gained appreciation from them.

       I thank the IIMV for having the mission to disseminate the knowledge breaking all the barriers
       and it's strive to permit the interested students rather than deny. It's a boon to the Vizagites like
       me at the age of 46. My unexpected and most worthy achievements in my passionate Institute
       comprise,(i) securing a position in an essay competition(Budget analysis) competing with the
       young PGP and most experienced executives. (ii) Honoured twice to represent IIMV for the
       survey of Harvard Business publications. (iii) Successful conduct of workshops and welfare
       event single handed, Abundant knowledge through most interactions with experienced internal
       and external faculty. All these are most helpful to me in my present career.

       As an entrepreneur, I have no financial background to uplift my firm but IIMV has given me the
       courage to expand my firm with the empowerment of knowledge. None of the learnings at my
       esteemed institute have withered and are being utilized for my daily and long-term implications
       to my firm.

       I am obliged to thank the team of the Indian Institute of Management, Visakhapatnam for
       giving me the opportunity to study at your esteemed Institute and enlightening my suppressed
       skills. I wish IIMV to encourage many scholars in paving them bright future through PGPEx

       Thanking you ,

       T. Swarna Latha,

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