Page 33 - iimv-news-Vol-2-e
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       Launched on 8 March 2021, the IIM V Podcast series, VPod-
       which aims to provide a platform for discussion on latest

       business and management topics, successfully launched ten
       episodes and garnered over 800 listeners across platforms.
       The podcastsare available on JioSaavn, Apple Music, Google
       Podcasts and Spotify.

          DATE            EPISODE NO               EXPERT/SPEAKER                   TOPIC

          10 May          3                        Dr. Supriya R Bhat,              Boardroom, a case
                                                   Board Certified Wellness          solving competition,
                                                   Coach & Corporate                BIT, Mesra
                                                   Wellness Consultant

          16 May          4                        Ms. Amanda Puravanka-            Holistic Wellness &
                                                   ra, Director - Provident         Career Growth
                                                   Housing Limited.

          21 May          5                        Mr. Satyaki Banerjee,            Product Management
                                                   assistant VP Product             & Customer Experi-
                                                   Management Division              ence
                                                   IDFC First Bank.

          26 May          6                        Mr. Manish Mrigank,              Product management
                                                   Director, Product Man-           across Industries
                                                   agement, Ekincare

          30 May          7                        Dr. Prateek Mahalwar,            Sustainable business –
                                                   Founder of BIOWEG                the way forward

          3 June          8                        Mr. Hrushikesh V Kulkar-         Data-Driven Decision
                                                   ni, Vice President Cus-          & Enhancing customer
                                                   tomer Experience, IDFC           experience

          15 July         9                        Ms. Sakshi Mandhyan,             Building resilient
                                                   Founder of Mandhyan              minds

          20 August       10                       Mrs. Ranjani Mani ,Direc-        Roadmap to Analytics
                                                   tor, Analytics and Data          and Data Science
                                                   Sciences at VMware

          21 August       11                       Mr. Puneet Jain, Vice            Automation and
                                                   President, Clarivate             Future of ‘WorkPlace’

        31  VOL. / ISSUE  /MAY AUG
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38